About Nomat/d project

Welcome to be part of Nomat/d project combining 🍽️ Food & storytelling- two threads that weave through the tapestry of humanity. In a world filled with chaos, these are few magical things that bring us together. That is why we don’t just share recipes; we share stories that warm the heart and inspire the soul.

MAT /ˈmat/: Food or meal in Norwegian language

NOMAD /ˈnəʊmad/: a person that travels from place to place and has no permanent home.

Here, we believe that food is more than sustenance. It’s a powerful thread that weaves us together, transcending borders and backgrounds. We invite you to join us on a culinary journey that celebrates the beauty of good food and the remarkable tales of humanity.

Nourishing Both Body and Soul:

In this space, we understand that a meal isn’t just a combination of ingredients. It’s a story, a journey, and the love and care put into every dish, as well as the shared moments around the table. We’re here to celebrate the power of food to bring people together, nourishing both body and soul.

Food or “mat” as we call in #Norwegian 🇳🇴 may not be the most exciting type for many non-Norwegians. Yet this beautiful nature and country is a perfect base to initiate this nomadic exploration to uncover good food and stories.

Inspiring Stories from Around the World:

This platform provides more than just recipes. We’re, first of all, storytellers. Our blog is a platform for sharing inspiring stories of individuals and communities who have harnessed the power of food to make a positive impact on the world. From chefs who use their culinary skills to give back to society to the tales of home cooks who have turned simple meals into heartwarming acts of kindness, we’re here to inspire you with narratives of hope, resilience, and compassion.

woman in white and black stripe shirt wearing eyeglasses

Promoting Common Values:

In today’s polarized world, it’s easy to forget the common values that unite us all: kindness, gratitude, empathy, and the love for good food by leaving unnecessary disputes over ownership. Our project seeks to remind us of these values and encourage their practice in our daily lives. By sharing stories of people who are excited about their culinary creations, we hope to inspire you to do the same.

In a divided world of today, time to remember the common values that make this planet special: kindness, gratitude, empathy, and the love for good food…

A Place for Everyone:

Nomat/d platform is a space for everyone, regardless of your cooking expertise. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or someone just starting to explore the world of cooking, we’re here to provide inspiration and guidance. We believe that everyone has a unique recipe to share, whether it’s a dish that’s been passed down through generations or a new creation born out of experimentation.

Join Us on this Nomadic Journey:

We invite you to embark on this culinary adventure with us. Let’s explore the world of flavors, celebrate the stories that bring us together, and embrace the common values that make us better human beings. Together, we can spread good spirits and create a more compassionate, connected, and inspiring world, one delicious recipe and heartfelt story at a time.

Thank you for being part of our food blog community. Let’s cook, share, and inspire together.

Join us on our nomadic journey of flavors and tales that connect us all. 🌍❤️ Find recipes and human stories in blog and podcast form. #FoodAndStorytelling.